Friday, December 30, 2011

Mass Stupidity & Government-Abetted Corporate Crime: Toxic Chemicals in Food, Water & Cosmetics

Mass Stupidity & Government-Abetted Corporate Crime: Toxic Chemicals in Food, Water & Cosmetics

The mass poisoning of humanity: an exploration of human stupidity

As human beings, we're the only species stupid enough to actually poison
ourselves. As part of modern living, we create a wide variety of chemical
toxins that go into the ecosystem through rivers and streams, the air, the
soil and so on. Not only that, we actually synthesize toxic chemicals and
then inject them directly into the food supply -- knowing full well that
they are poisonous and are major contributors to the epidemic rates of
chronic disease we are experiencing today.
What are these chemicals I'm talking about? Well, you're about to get a
whirlwind tour of humanity's toxic chemicals. And if you look at toxic
chemicals, you have to start in the realm of dentistry, because in no other
profession (save medicine) will you find the use of so many toxic chemicals
that are deliberately prescribed to patients or injected into their bodies.
We're talking about, of course, mercury fillings and fluoride dripped into
the public water supplies.
Dr. Poison Mercury, DDS

When we talk about mercury fillings, you have to keep in mind that mercury
is simply one of the most toxic substances you can put into the human body,
aside from radioactive substances. Right now, today, dentists all across the
country and around the world are taking this highly toxic metal and
literally putting it into the teeth of human beings. Those teeth are then
used to chew food, and as a person chews; they effectively grind away the
surfaces of these mercury fillings. These fillings release gas mercury vapor
and mercury particles, which people then breathe into their lungs, or digest
in their stomachs.
Now, I can understand that maybe 50 years ago, the dental industry was too
ignorant to realize that it was advocating this toxic metal and putting it
into patients' mouths. The industrial revolution is full of examples of
companies that used lots of toxic substances and therapies, thinking they
were good for you. Recall the X-rays and radiation of the first half of the
twentieth century, people thought that radiation was great for you.
Manufacturers were equating radiation with energy and thinking that if you
consumed radiation pills, you would be more energetic. These were actually
sold and sponsored by physicians and doctors, it was a mainstay of the
medical industry in those days.
Later, we had the lead issue with industrial companies like DuPont, which
has an interesting history in the manufacture and distribution of lead.
People were convinced lead was great for everything. They put it into the
gasoline, and leaded gasoline was born. We later found out that lead causes
nervous system disorders and that it's very unhealthy to have lead emissions
in the air. We ended up getting rid of lead paint, and banning the use of
lead in foods and cosmetics.
But for some reason, today dentists still think mercury is perfectly good
for you. It's like they're living in the Dark Ages. Gee, why don't they have
you swallow radiation pills at the same time they're putting mercury
fillings in your mouth? That way you can be energized and have fillings,
Some of the greatest quackery in the world right now takes place in
dentists' offices; and dentists strongly deny the problems associated with
mercury toxicity and mercury fillings. Of course, I don't mean all dentists,
some dentists are slowly coming around to this issue. In fact, these
selected dentists are leading the change; they are pioneering dentists, just
as those in the world of medicine that are trying to change conventional
These few dentists that are trying to make changes and get mercury fillings
banned deserve tremendous credit for taking the lead and standing up and
fighting against the dogma of their own industry to protect their patients.
There's no doubt in my mind that within a few years, mercury fillings will
be banned and they will join the ranks of lead paint, asbestos insulation,
leaded gasoline and radiation pills. They will go into the historical annals
of bad medicine, and some day future generations will think we were
absolutely crazy to be putting mercury in people's mouths.
More poison from dentists: fluoride

That's not the end of the toxicity in the world of dentistry, we also have
dentists pushing for, get this, the dripping of a highly toxic chemical
waste product into the water supply... a substance that's scraped off the
smokestacks of industrial polluters. They want every person in the community
to actually drink this substance.
This material is a toxic waste that's regulated by the EPA. It would be
illegal to drip it into a river or a stream, but for some reason, it is
perfectly legal to drip it into the public water supply and let people drink
it. It's a bizarre cycle of rationalization that can only be called medical
lunacy. They no longer consider this toxic substance toxic if it passes
through the bodies of human beings first. What substance am I talking about?
Fluorosilicic acid, otherwise known by its short name, fluoride.
Across the country and around the world, dentists are insisting that we
drip fluoride into the public water supply. For what purpose? To protect the
teeth? Can you be serious? People are swallowing this liquid. They're not
rinsing it in their mouth and spitting it out, they're ingesting it. Now as
a result we have fluorosis, and bone disorders that are related to the
over-consumption of fluoride.
For some reason, dentists have decided that they now have medical degrees,
and that they want to medicate the entire population with a drug, a
biologically active drug, without first diagnosing any individual in that
community. In other words, they want to medicate everyone across the board
with the exact same dosage, regardless of that person's individual health
needs, and regardless of how much other fluoride they may be exposed to on a
regular basis. This is the insanity of the modern dentistry community.
Remember, these are the same people that want to put mercury in your mouth,
so it only makes sense that they also want to poison your entire body by
putting fluorosilicic acid into the water supply.
They don't call it fluorosilicic acid of course, because that might scare
people. They call it fluoride -- and in fact they will even deceive the
public and call it "naturally-occurring fluoride." There's nothing natural
about fluorosilicic acid.
If you go to any community water supply where they are dripping so called
"fluoride" into the water system, you will find out where they actually get
the fluoride -- ask them, "Hey, do you dig this out of the ground in natural
fluoride deposits?," and they will tell you "No, we buy it from an
industrial waste processing company because it's cheaper than fluoride out
of the ground." I've asked this question myself of people who are in charge
of dripping fluoride into the public water supply, and that's exactly what
they have told me. You can verify this yourself and find out just how your
local community is poisoning you and your family with this highly toxic
waste chemical.
How to poison the entire population

Again, we are the only species stupid enough to actually poison ourselves.
And we do it in highly efficient ways. If you want to poison a population,
there's no easier way than to drip a substance into the water supply. And if
you really want to make sure everyone is poisoned, you would pass laws that
mandate the dripping of this poison into the water supply (i.e. fluoridation
laws). That would ensure that everybody gets some, whether it's an infant,
an adult or a senior citizen. This is increasingly what is happening across
the United States and around the world.
There's absolutely no good science behind any of the fluoride arguments.
Even if they were using genuine natural fluoride, there are no studies that
show the ingestion of fluoride decreases the incidence of dental caries in
modern society. Yet this myth persists in the dental community, and the
American Dental Association stands firmly behind this national poisoning
agenda. They will call anybody who disagrees with it a "nut," and they will
say that every population must be fluoridated -- for their own good, of
course. That's the only way to ensure they have healthy teeth, the logic
Put more chemicals into the foods, please

If you wanted to poison the entire population, but you were worried that not
everyone drinks from the water supply, there is another way: just poison the
food supply. This, too, is happening today, with food manufacturing
practices and the FDA looking the other way on toxic food ingredients.
Our population is being poisoned with artificial chemical sweeteners. Let's
take a look at these. Aspartame is a sweetener that was never proven safe;
in fact, the original safety recommendation panel at the FDA recommended
that aspartame be denied approval as a safe food ingredient. It was none
other than Donald Rumsfeld at the time who helped push aspartame through the
FDA to get it legalized as a food additive.
Today, we now see the vast majority of complaints of food side effects sent
to the FDA being caused by aspartame. Aspartame is an excitotoxin, that is,
a neurotoxic chemical, and it breaks down in your body into both formic acid
and formaldehyde. Now, would you like to go out and drink some formaldehyde?
Well, you might do that if you were a biological specimen that needed to be
preserved for dissection, but if you're a normal, healthy, sane human being,
you'd never drink formaldehyde. Unless, of course, they put it in an
artificial sweetener compound and added it to cans of your favorite
carbonated soft drink, in which case Americans will gladly drink
formaldehyde in can after can, poisoning their nervous systems, going half
blind, experiencing epilepsy and increasing the onset of neurodegenerative
disorders such as Alzheimer's disease.
Again, we're the only species stupid enough to actually poison ourselves
with these chemicals. And yet we have entire groups, food lobbies and public
apologizers who run around saying that these ingredients are perfectly good
for you. There's nothing wrong with drinking formaldehyde and formic acid.
You'll be fine! Drink more! Here, in fact here's a 50 percent more coupon,
so you can buy even more!
Want some chlorine in your food today?

Some say, "Well, aspartame is on the way out -- the big sweetener now is
Sucralose or Splenda." This is the artificial sweetener that claims to be
made from sugar. Well, I suppose you can claim that it starts out as sugar,
but it's made by removing some of the atoms from sugar and replacing them
with atoms of chlorine, which is of course one of the chemical elements used
during the atrocities of World War II to create poison gas, the same element
used in chlorine to disinfect pools and public water supplies.
When it's put that way, you might start thinking, "Well, gee, maybe there's
something wrong with this sugar, maybe I shouldn't be putting chlorine atoms
into my body." Would you go out and drink chlorine? If you know anybody who
works on pools, or who has a pool maintenance business, they will tell you
that chlorine gas will kill you. In fact, just to handle chlorine, they have
to wear protective rubber gloves and protective respiration devices, because
if they get chlorine powder wet and touch it or inhale it, they are in for a
world of hurt. Chlorine gas can cause serious injury or even death. In fact,
if you just take household ingredients like chlorine bleach and mix it with
ammonia, you will create a highly toxic gas that will literally kill you,
which is why these products often contain warnings that they should not be
And yet, in our food supply, we take chlorine atoms and we attach them to
molecules that used to be sugar, and we call that a safe sweetener. And now
we're putting it into all kinds of foods, whether it's soft drinks, muffins,
pancake mixes and pretty much everything in the low-carb arena. I'm not sure
people realize that they are actually ingesting chlorine atoms. Maybe
they're too dazed from the fluoride.
Okay, so far we have dentists putting mercury fillings in your mouth that
give off mercury vapor and cause neurodegenerative disorders such as
Alzheimer's disease. We have the same insane dentists mandating the dripping
of EPA-regulated environmental pollutants into the public water supply,
making sure that human beings in the United States have to drink toxic waste
product... after which it enters into the rivers and streams as part of
human waste, even though if such chemicals were dripped directly into the
rivers and streams in this country it would be a violation of federal law.
We have food and beverage companies using artificial chemical sweeteners to
replace sugar and claiming that their products are healthier than sugar
products. And yet, these artificial chemical sweeteners break down into
dangerous chemical components such as formaldehyde and formic acid, or they
are made with chlorine atoms that simply do not belong in the human body.
These chemicals do not appear anywhere in nature attached to a sugar
Yummy poison: hydrogenated oils

So, what else can the money-hungry corporations think of to put into the
food or the water to poison America? They are quite creative and they have a
lot of poisons at their disposal. The next terrible poison on the list is
hydrogenated oils. They're called brain poisons, and they're present in
perhaps half of all the foods found at every grocery store. It's listed
right on the label -- you can see it as "hydrogenated oil" or
"partially-hydrogenated vegetable oil".
This artificial fat directly causes cardiovascular heart disease, it
destroys normal cardiovascular health, it destroys the healthy functioning
of the nervous system, it causes brain disorders, it causes heart attacks --
it is one of the most prominent and yet toxic ingredients put into the food
supply. It also causes birth defects and essential fatty acid deficiencies
in both the mother and her fetus.
And it's put in foods on purpose, for the convenience of the food
manufacturers. Hydrogenated oils don't go bad, which means they save money
for the food manufacturing companies, because their foods don't go bad on
the shelves. And how do you make hydrogenated oils? Well, you don't find
them anywhere in nature -- you have to have a chemical processing facility
to make hydrogenated oils. And you do it by bubbling hydrogen gas through
liquid soybean oil or other types of oils, using a catalyst (in most cases
the catalyst is nickel). So with this nickel and the bubbling of hydrogen
gas, you get extra hydrogen atoms attached to the molecules in oil, which
makes them solid at room temperature. Since they are solid at room
temperature, they can be more easily used to make margarine products, or
used in crackers and cookies. And all of this, again, is for the convenience
of the food manufacturing companies.
Food manufactures don't care what happens to your health, their job is just
to sell food products. If you have a health problem as a result, that's your
problem, not theirs. You won't find food companies offering to pay for your
medical bills if you have a heart attack from eating hydrogenated oils. They
are basically passing the buck and demanding that you pay for the health
consequences caused by their foods. In fact, they're working hard to pass
legislation that would outlaw lawsuits against food companies!
Pepperoni-shaped poison

Not to be outdone, the meat processing companies in this country also want
to make sure they get lots of poison into your food products. It's not
enough to just sell you red meat, which is by itself an extremely unhealthy
food ingredient that promotes colon cancer, heart disease, obesity and many
other disorders, they also have to put cancer-causing chemicals in various
meat products.
This makes sure that you get colon cancer from the additives, if not from
the red meat itself. This additive is called sodium nitrite, and you'll find
it in virtually every packaged meat product found at the grocery store,
whether it's pepperoni, breakfast sausage, or bacon. You can buy sliced ham,
sliced chicken, deli slices, lunch meat, packaged ham, pepperoni, the meat
that goes into soups, the meat that goes into those little lunch trays ...
pretty much any form of packaged meat at the grocery store has this toxic
ingredient in it. That's why the daily consumption of processed meats has
now been clinically shown to produce a 6,700% increase in the risk of
pancreatic cancer!
Guinea pig people

And what is this ingredient again? Sodium nitrite! When you ingest sodium
nitrite, it mixes with the digestive juices of your stomach and creates a
class of chemical compounds called nitrosamines. These nitrosamines are
potent cancer-causing chemicals. In fact, as I've mentioned before, they are
so potent that lab researchers actually inject mice with nitrosamines when
they want to give those mice breast cancer or other form of cancer they can
study. And yet, as humans, we put sodium nitrite (see related ebook on
sodium nitrite) right into the food supply. It's almost as if we were
treating the entire population as lab rats -- and in fact that's not far
from the truth.
Drugs are frequently released in this country on an experimental basis,
using the population as guinea pigs to find out how many people might die
from that drug in order to get more safety data. Let's face it, when the FDA
approves drugs for public use, they are not at all proven safe. The American
public is routinely treated as a collection of guinea pigs in order to
promote prescription drugs, foods, artificial sweeteners or other elements.
Toxic personal care products

So now we've got toxic chemicals in our mouths, in our public water
supplies, and in our foods and beverages. Where else can money hungry
corporations put toxic chemicals into our immediate environment and get them
into our bodies? Well, think hard and you might come up with some other
ideas. Let's look at the personal care products industry, because
practically every brand name shampoo, cologne, perfume, deodorant,
antiperspirant or other personal care product on the market is made with
toxic fragrance chemicals. These can contain solvents, carcinogens and
compounds that are registered in government databases as having strong liver
The reason these ingredients are allowed in these products are because the
FDA has mistakenly assumed for many, many years that whatever you put on
your body doesn't get absorbed into your body. They think, for example, that
you could just coat your body with toxic chemicals and you would be fine,
because your skin is a barrier. I've even heard pharmacists tell me that the
skin is a great barrier, so whatever you put on your skin won't go into your
That's utterly ridiculous! As pharmacists, haven't these people ever sold
nicotine patches? How do you think those work? They work by releasing
nicotine that gets absorbed directly through your skin into your
bloodstream. If your skin didn't absorb nicotine, the nicotine patches
wouldn't deliver a dosage. You have to be half-crazy to think that the skin
is some kind of permanent barrier that keeps out everything you put on it.
In fact, the skin is very porous -- the skin breathes. Yes, it keeps out
bacteria, but it sure doesn't keep out chemical solvents, and it doesn't
keep out molecules as big as nicotine. Nicotine molecules are not very
small, by the way. There are many things that go right through your skin,
and those include fragrance chemicals, solvents, and a lot of other toxic
ingredients that are found in personal care products. One such ingredient
called MIT was recently discovered in most brand-name shampoos, and this MIT
ingredient is known to cause brain cancer.
Voluntary chemical suicide

So now we are really stupid as a species, because we've poisoned our mouths,
our water supply, our food, our beverages and even our shampoos and personal
care products. And if you use dryer sheets, then you've got your clothes
poisoned as well, they're coated in a layer of toxic chemicals found in
dryer sheet products. So what else could we use to poison the population?
There are still many other options.
One way would be to sell a toxic chemical that people voluntarily put into
their mouths because another person in a position of authority told them to
do so. This is describing the prescription drug industry, where people are
poisoning themselves each and every day with toxic painkiller drugs like
COX-2 inhibitors or toxic anti-cholesterol drugs like statin drugs. People
are poisoning their minds with antidepressant drugs that promote violent
behavior and suicides. They're poisoning their cardiovascular system with
beta-blockers and other drugs. And of course they're poisoning their livers.
And yet people volunteer to do this -- each and every day they will put
these toxic chemicals into their bodies simply because someone with a degree
from a school of disease (also known as medical school) told them to do so.
And, not only that, they will actually pay for the privilege of poisoning
their own bodies.
They'll pay good money too, not just a few hundred dollars a month, but
several thousand dollars a month. Some people will spend six figures a year
poisoning their bodies because their doctor told them to do so. And, then
when something goes wrong and they have a small tumor show up on a
mammogram, or some other blood test comes back positive that indicates they
may have some sort of cancer tumor, they will gladly pay another $100,000 or
more in order to destroy their entire immune system with a treatment known
as chemotherapy.
They will literally sit there and let other doctors inject highly toxic
poisons directly into the bloodstream and allow them to circulate through
their body. How toxic is this stuff? Well, gee, think about it, your hair
falls out, you get sick and you vomit -- are these signs that maybe this
stuff doesn't belong in your body? I don't know about you, but I think
that's a very strange way to heal someone. If I were a medical professional
and I were healing someone, and I had them do something which made their
hair fall out and they started vomiting and it looked like they were going
to melt away right before my very eyes, I would think that, hey, maybe this
isn't good for them. But that's not what conventional oncologists think.
They think, oh, this is great stuff. Look, we're going to destroy the cancer
tumor and, if we're lucky, there may even be a patient left by the time
we're done. And if not -- that's alright, as long as they pay the bill.
Official, government-approved drug dealers

We as a species actually have a class of professionals, highly-paid
professionals, who we give the right to poison us with toxic chemicals.
These people are called doctors. I call them drug dealers. Just like illegal
drugs, their drugs kill people. The main difference is that these "legal"
drugs enrich politically influential corporations, whereas illegal drugs
enrich drug lords. Our national "War on Drugs" is quite selective in its
targets, don't you think? Industrial hemp is outlawed, but doping up
millions of children on powerful narcotics is perfectly legal: it's called
So remember, we're the only species stupid enough to actually poison
ourselves. And if we don't do it in just one or two ways, we do it in half a
dozen different ways! Then we regulate that poisoning, we make it federal
law! And we have lobbyists and groups out there defending this use of poison
in the food supply, and defending the use of it in cosmetic products and
personal care products. We have defenders of the drug industry, people who
say, "Yeah, well there was a study five years ago that showed a 1200 percent
heart attack increase, but we thought that really wasn't relevant to this
drug and we decided to go ahead and market that drug anyway." That's what we
have today. And the real details of this gruesome story have only begun to
be uncovered. Wait until the rest of the story comes out...
We're #1!

Is it any wonder, with all of the poisoning going on at all the different
levels in our bodies, that we are now the most chronically diseased
population that has ever been recorded in the history of civilization? It's
true -- there is no population that has suffered from diseases like we do in
America today. You would have to be clinically insane to not think that
there's a correlation between the poison we are putting into our bodies and
the diseases we are getting as a result.
Plus, as recent studies have shown, we're the #1 nation in the world in
terms of mental disorders as well! Let's see: #1 in obesity, #1 in diabetes,
#1 in cancer, #1 mental disorders, and we have the HIGHEST health care costs
in the world, too. We have the most expensive drugs in the world. We have
more doctors and health care professionals per capita than any country in
the world. And, frighteningly, we're the country with the most nukes. Great
idea, huh? Put the nuclear weapons under control of the most mentally
disturbed population in the world... now if only our leaders were at least
But no, wait a minute -- the doctors are right, all diseases are just
genetic. None of these poisons matter, it's just your genes. They say the
gene pool of the human race was perfectly fine 100 years ago when people
didn't have all these diseases, but it has somehow mutated to a gene pool
that gives you heart disease and cancer and osteoporosis and diabetes, and,
by the way, there's nothing you can do about it. That's what they want you
to believe, because then they take away your power. Then you have no ability
to make changes.
Actually, we're pretty darned clever, aren't we?

So not only are we the most stupid species on the planet, because we're
poisoning ourselves, we are simultaneously the cleverest species, because we
find ways to justify all that poisoning. We find scientific gobbledygook to
claim that, yes, NutraSweet is good for you! Or that these chlorine atoms
attached to sugar are great for you, or that mercury in your mouth somehow
doesn't have a toxic effect on your body. Or that hydrogenated oils are
perfectly fine for your heart health.
We stupidly say if you take those and you drink this weight loss shake made
with sugar, you'll be healthy. And if you have this barbaric surgical
procedure called gastric bypass surgery, you'll no longer be obese. And if
you're not healthy, don't worry; we have magic bullet prescription drugs
that will make you even healthier. So we're a clever population at the same
time that we're incredibly stupid. Do you know what that's called? That's
called being a population of great technicians and lousy healers. And that's
exactly what we are today.
Having used the word "stupid" throughout this editorial, I use it
deliberately. I don't mean it in the way that a teenager might say, "My
stupid little brother flipped me off." I mean it in a more precise way, in
the way defined by
1. Slow to learn or understand; obtuse.
2. Tending to make poor decisions or careless mistakes.
3. Marked by a lack of intelligence or care; foolish or careless: a stupid
4. Dazed, stunned, or stupefied.
Can you think of a better word to describe the people around here?
As Einstein once said, "Only two things are infinite, the universe and
human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
The mass poisoning of humanity: an exploration of human stupidity
July 05, 2005
By: Mike Adams

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Homemade Yeast Rolls

4 cups warm water
1 Tbsp yeast (I know it seems like a lot)
3 Tbsp sugar
1 Tbsp salt
2 Tbsp shortening
Enough Flour to thicken till no longer sticky

Mix warm water and yeast till dissolved
Let it bubble a bit
Add sugar, salt, and shortening.
Mix well.
Slowly begin to add flour till it's no longer sticky.
Knead dough. Let it rise till at least twice it's original size (maybe a bit more)
Pinch off pieces and place on greased pan or in greased muffin pans.
Let it rise again.
Brush with melted butter.
Bake at 350 degrees for about 45 minutes.... until golden brown.
In the photo below I place two ball of dough about golfball size in each muffin cup.
Also... these are the "pre-baked" pictures.... they didn't last long enough to get the after picture! ;)


Coffey Momma

Got an Ear Ache?

Got an Ear Ache? Try these home remedies :) (not a substitute for seeing a doctor)
1~ add a little thyme oil (JUST A DROP!!!) to about 2 oz of warm olive oil and add a couple drops in your ear twice a day. Thyme has natural infection fighting properties. :)

2~ eardrops -- about 4 drops Tea tree oil in 1/4 cup water. Tea tree oil is a natural antibiotic, antiviral, and antifungal so its good for LOTS of other stuff too! But, when you use these drops, shortly after you put them in there's even a cooling type feel in your ear that is just so relaxing.

3~Brew a bag of Lipton green tea while still warm place warm tea bag on ear as well as a dampened wash cloth that's been warmed in the microwave reheat as needed the steam and healing properties of the tea will really work the effects aren't immediate but within an hour your ears will feel much better.

4~ 2 drops of Lavender Oil in the infected ear twice a day

And this one is courtesay of a wonderful and trusted friend ~~
Tezza C ~~ A 50/50 mix of white distilled vinegar and rubbing alcohol will not only prevent, but it will cure ear infections. Swimmers use it all the time, and so does my family. Colloidal silver also works great on many things, but especially infections. It's safe for animals, and a lot easier to use than the vinegar/alcohol mix because it has no smell.

Don’t Waste Your Apples!! Craft ‘Em!


I always buy fresh apples for my kids, but sometimes they start to get a bit soft and not so fresh before they are all eaten up. Sooooo…. instead of just throwing them out, dry them! It’s so simple and there are so many crafty uses for them…. you can even snack on them.

Taking the apples, I just sliced them with a mandolin (about 1/4 inch thick)

Lining some cookie sheets with parchment paper, then placing the apples on the sheets.

I also took a wooden skewer and poked holes for hanging the dried apples and also in a select few I poked holes in a design (heart, star, etc..)

Also, in a bowl, pour some cinnamon, or cloves and coat some of the apple slices in it. It makes them smell great while they are drying and long after they are dried.

Set your oven to 150 degrees. Place cookie sheets in oven and leave them for roughly 6 to 8 hours. (sometimes a bit longer depending on your oven and the humidity in your home) Your house will smell amazing while doing this! 

After your apples are dried….. go crazy and use your imagination! I will be posting some of my apple crafts in the next few days.  ENJOY!







Clam Chowder

(This is great as is or you can use this as a base and add or remove ingredients as you want!!)


1 1/2 LARGE (15oz) canned clams in juice (more or less to taste)

1 large onion diced

1 – 2 lbs. bacon

4 cloves garlic crushed or diced small

3 – 4 large potatoes diced

roughly 1/2 gallon whole milk


to taste:  dill, salt, pepper, oregano


Using strainer, separate clams from clam juice and set aside both.

In large pot brown bacon till crisp.

Remove bacon but leave bacon grease in pot.

Add onions to pot and cook till tender (not brown).

Add garlic. Cook for a few more minutes.

Add roughly 1/4 to 1/2 cup of flour and mix well ( amount depends on how thick you want your chowder)

Add clam juice and all remaining seasonings.

Add diced potatoes and milk.

Set stove on low to simmer.

Finely chop reserved bacon.

Add chopped bacon and clams.

Stir often and simmer.  Once it’s all hot it’s done but the longer it simmers the better it tastes! And it’s great for left overs the next day.

Oh ya….. don’t forget the oyster crackers!!  ENJOY!!!!!  Smile


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A couple days of BLAHH!

Well..... my last post was on Sunday and it is now Wednesday!!  I'm not sure how these past few days flew by so fast but it sure seems like all I did was blink and they were gone!  So, my apologies for not posting recipes and decorating ideas as promised but today is a new day and even with a sick toddler and barely any sleep, somehow I have managed to find a bit of motivation.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fall Is Here!!! (or so they say)

      Fall is here..... or at least that's what they tell me!  Here in Florida, we really don't experience Fall the way most of the Country does. No cool breeze, no beautiful waves of multicolored leaves, no relief from the dreaded mosquito infestation!!! But in the hopes of tricking my senses, I refuse to give up!
      Every morning I place a pot on my stove filled with cinnamon, cloves, ginger, and occasionally a bit of orange peel, and of course..... don't forget the water! Simmering this all day gives the whole house that unmistakable Autumn scent.
      Another great way to get in the Fall spirit is to change up your meals. One of my families favorite Fall time meal is a great big pot of chilli with all the fixins (shredded cheese, diced onions and tomatoes, sour cream, and lots of corn bread). I also tend to bake a lot of cookies, cakes, and pies in the Autumn and Winter months, which my kids love!
      As well as doing all these things I also (slowly) begin decorating for Fall and Halloween, which is tons of fun to do, especially with the kids.
      In my next few blogs I will be posting some great Fall recipes and decorating ideas along with some photos of each project. I am really looking forward to starting this Fall season with you.... even if it is 100 degrees outside! Maybe some of you who live up North can send some of that cool weather this way :) .
      If I don't melt first...... I will be back later today with some great Fall tips and recipes. Let me just get this mint and mocha coffee down first.   
 Coffey Momma

Friday, September 23, 2011

~~ a bit of simplicity~~

Welcome to my world!

     This, being my first blog attempt should, if nothing else, prove interesting.
     I decided to start this blog in an attempt to enlighten the world (or at least a few loyal followers )
in the way life once was, and should be again. Well, how I believe it to have been any way, you know, clean, simple, wholesome, and healthy.

Everything I will be posting in this blog will either be of my own creation or things that I have found and researched on-line, in books, or from friends and family, but always, always will I have tested first and will be sure to give credit where credit is due.

     This blog will be filled with herbal remedies, homemade natural cleaners, recipes for everything from cookies, cakes, and breads to chicken, pastas, sauces, and side dishes. Also, craft ideas, and how to's.
With the Holidays coming up (my favorite time of year) I will have plenty of simple and cost effective ways
to decorate your home and have fun doing it. Most of the things I will be posting are all natural and money saving ways to clean your home, utilize what you have for dinners, or just great ways to get away from all the chemical crap we buy at the stores that wont work half as good as the natural and safe alternatives we so easily forget about. Whatever it may be....... We could all use a bit of simplicity and tradition in our daily lives.

    Remember, life is much simpler than most people realize. We just need to take a few steps back from the craziness that life has become and get "Back To Basics".

Please browse the blog archives on the right hand side of this page for tons of tips!  Enjoy!!     

              LIVE * LAUGH * LOVE * CREATE!!!          
                                        Coffey Momma  

Safe alternatives for cleaning your home

The site where this was found is at the end of this page.

There are many inexpensive, easy-to-use natural alternatives which can safely be used in place of commercial household products. Here is a list of common, environmentally safe products which can be used alone or in combination for a wealth of household applications.

Baking Soda - cleans, deodorizes, softens water, scours.
Soap - unscented soap in liquid form, flakes, powders or bars is biodegradable and will clean just about anything. Avoid using soaps which contain petroleum distillates.
Lemon - one of the strongest food-acids, effective against most household bacteria.

Borax - (sodium borate) cleans, deodorizes, disinfects, softens water, cleans wallpaper, painted walls and floors.
White Vinegar - cuts grease, removes mildew, odors, some stains and wax build-up.
Washing Soda - or SAL Soda is sodium carbonate decahydrate, a mineral. Washing soda cuts grease, removes stains, softens water, cleans wall, tiles, sinks and tubs. Use care, as washing soda can irritate mucous membranes. Do not use on aluminum.
Isopropyl Alcohol - is an excellent disinfectant. (It has been suggested to replace this with ethanol or 100 proof alcohol in solution with water. There is some indication that isopropyl alcohol buildup contributes to illness in the body. See
Cornstarch - can be used to clean windows, polish furniture, shampoo carpets and rugs.
Citrus Solvent - cleans paint brushes, oil and grease, some stains. (Citrus solvent may cause skin, lung or eye irritations for people with multiple chemical sensitivities.)

Today's modern home is loaded with toxic and polluting substances designed to make domestic life easier.

The cost of these commercial, chemical-based products can be high -- long term health concerns for the family, and environmental pollution caused by their manufacture and disposal. In the US, for example, 1 in 3 people suffer from allergies, asthma, sinusitis or bronchitis (US National Center for Health Statistics). Treatment for these conditions should include reducing synthetic chemicals in the home environment.

For many home-cleaning chores, you can make your own cleaning products using the formulas listed below.

A growing number of commercial non-toxic home cleaning products are also available, as healthier and environmentally responsible alternatives. Your use of these products helps promote the growth of green businesses which are contributing to a sustainable economy. <~~~~ here is the link to this information

Natural Cleaners

Natural Cleaners
via -, thank you Tezza)

Natural Lemon Air Freshener Spray Recipe
Learn how simple it is to make an organic, natural air freshener for your clean and healthy home. It's easy on you, the environment and's also very economical too!

1 cup Water
1/4 cup Fresh Lemon Balm Or Verbena -- chopped
2 tablespoons Lemon Peel -- Grated
2 tablespoons Fresh Lemon Juice
1 teaspoon Baking Soda

Instructions: Bring water to boil in a large saucepan. Add lemon balm, lemon peel, lemon juice, and baking soda and stir until baking soda dissolves thoroughly. The mixture will foam up after you add the baking soda so be sure your saucepan is large enough. Let cool and fill a spray bottle.

Carpet Stain Remover Recipe
Club soda
Dish detergent

Blot stain with club soda then scrub with a dab of dish detergent. You'd be amazed at how well plain old club soda can get some carpet stains out - as always, make sure to try it on a small area to first to make sure it doesn't affect the color of your carpet.

Hand Sanitizer Gel
1/2 cup Aloe Vera Gel
1/4 cup 99% rubbing alcohol
1/2 to 3/4 teaspoon fragrance oil, optional

Mix ingredients together. Pour into a pump-style bottle or a squeeze bottle. Use a quarter sized dollop and rub hands together. Wipe residue off of hands with a paper towel.

Wintergreen Air Freshener
To add a touch of wonderful wintergreen scent, all you need are some cotton balls and some oil of wintergreen. (Find that in any pharmacy - ask the pharmacist if you can't find any & they'll likely order some in.) Dip the cotton balls in the oil of wintergreen and place near opened windows or anywhere out of sight where the air will circulate around them - smells minty and wonderful!

Homemade Windshield Washer Fluid
9 c water
1 c isopropyl alcohol
1 T liquid dish soap

Directions: Combine and store in a plastic jug and use to refill windshield washer receptacle in your car.

Veggie Wash
Easy! Just add a few tablespoons of vinegar to a bottle of clean, cold tap water. Shake well and spray on veggies and then wash under flowing clean water as usual. Helps to clean those fruits and veggies better than ever - and it's a lot less expensive than those commercial produce washes.

Tough Hand Cleaner
1/4 cup grated naphtha soap ends
2 tablespoons mason's sand or pumice
1 cup water

Place soap and water in a saucepan. Place over low heat; stir until soap is melted. After mixture cools, add mason's sand or pumice. Store in a cottage cheese container or margarine tub. To use, dip fingers into soap mixture and lather hands. Rinse well. This works well on greasy tools, also. Be sure to rinse and dry tools thoroughly.

Rust Remover
Sprinkle a little bit of salt on the rust, squeeze a lime over the salt until it is nicely soaked in lime juice. Leave the mixture on for two or three hours. Use the leftover rind as a handy scrubber. Rust is gone.

Lavender Dishwashing Soap
2 Cups soap flakes
1 gallon water
25 drops of lavender essential oil

Place soap flakes and water into a pan. Heat over medium heat stirring occasionally until it boils and until soap dissolves. Lower heat and simmer for 10 minutes to thoroughly combine the ingredients. Remove from heat and let liquid partially cool, add the essential oil and stir. Pour into a clean plastic squeeze bottle or re-used dish soap bottle.

Glass Scratch Reducer
Use some plain white toothpaste and a soft cloth to reduce the visibility of scratches in glasses. Buff gently and then wipe clean.

Fabric Freshener Spray
All you need is some LIQUID FABRIC SOFTENER, some water and a spray bottle. Pour a few tablespoons of the fabric softener in the bottle, add water until nearly full. Shake well before each use. Works just like the expensive fabric freshener sprays! (Sort of like Febreeze/Febreze spray...also is a great way to use up a little bit of leftover fabric softener liquid.)

Formula for Homemade Cleaning Glasses
The best formula no matter what type of eyeglasses or coatings you have on your lenses is as follows: Fill a spray bottle (any size will do) with 3/4 rubbing alcohol and 1/4 water. Put in a few drops of dish soap. Spray both sides of each lens and rub clean with a soft cloth. Never use paper towels, toilet paper or kleenex as they contain harsh abrasives that will scratch your lenses.

Fizzy Jewelry Cleaner
To clean jewelry place in hot vinegar with a little baking soda, this foams a lot, and let sit for 5 minutes. Lightly scrub with a soft toothbrush to get in crevices, rinse clean and wipe dry with a soft cloth. Do not use on loose stones.

Make Your Own Daily Shower Cleaner
You can make your own version of daily shower cleaners. In a 32 oz. spray bottle, pour in 8 oz. of rubbing alcohol, then top it off w/water. After each shower, spray the walls and shower curtain. You won’t have to rinse.

Bleach Alternatives
1/2 cup 3 percent hydrogen peroxide in the rinse cycle or
1/2 cup washing soda to warm or hot water wash cycles or
1/2 cup lemon juice in the rinse cycle

Tip: After clothes have spun dry in the washer, hang them to dry in the sun. Sunshine is a natural bleach.

Natural Coffeepot Cleaner/Stain Remover
Pour pure white vinegar into the coffeepot and swirl it around a bit. Use a scrubby sponge on the hardest stain areas. Rinse a few times, and you're done!

Cleaning Your Coffeemaker with Vinegar
This is a great thing to do about once a week: pour a few cups of plain white vinegar into your coffeemaker (withOUT any coffee grounds) and let the machine run through as usual. Then run through with plain water to get entirely rid of any lingering vinegar. The acidic vinegar will work fantastically well to clean your coffeemaker from the inside out - and your coffee will taste fresh and wonderful again.

Got Fleas?? Be rid of them for good without chemicals!!

Got Fleas?? I don't know why this works but it really does.

in every room of your house put a dinner plate on the floor and fill with regular tap water. Then in each plate put one drop of dish soap (simply to break the surface of the water).
Allow plates to sit undisturbed for as long as possible.
The fleas are attracted to the water for some reason but since the surface has been broken they sink and get trapped.
This was the only method that worked for me and I tried everything!

I know this sounds to simple to be effective but give it a try~~ you wont be disappointed :)

Tea Tree

Tea Tree Treasure
Nothing natural works for mold and mildew as well as this spray. I’ve used it successfully on a moldy ceiling from a leaking roof, on a musty bureau, a musty rug, and a moldy shower curtain. Tea tree oil is expensive, but a little goes a very long way. Note that the smell of tea tree oil is very strong, but it will dissipate in a few days.

2 teaspoons tea tree oil
2 cups water

Combine in a spray bottle, shake to blend, and spray on problem areas. Do not rinse. Makes two cups.

Vinegar Spray
Straight vinegar reportedly kills 82 percent of mold. Pour some white distilled vinegar straight into a spray bottle, spray on the moldy area, and let set without rinsing if you can put up with the smell. It will dissipate in a few hours.

Read more:
Make Your Own Non-Toxic Cleaning Kit and be Clean and Green like Annie B. Bond.

Fresh Linens

Sweet Fresh Linens: Grind lavender buds or dried scented geranium leaves or dried lemon verbena leaves in a coffee mill or blender or for that old world feeling use a mortar and pestle. When changing the linens on the beds, sprinkle a small amount of this powder on the mattress (or mattress pad), then place the bottom sheet over and on the mattress. Since lavender has bug repelling properties, sleep time is not only sweet and relaxing, but reassuring as well. After placing fresh pillowcases on the pillows, sprinkle a small amount of this herbal powder inside the cases.

Simple Laundry Softener

Laundry: No need to invest in expensive fabric softeners. Add one-half to 1 cup of white vinegar to the rinse cycle of your machine. This is especially valuable when laundering cloth diapers as it will remove the problems usually causing diaper rash. It effectively rids the laundry of soap residue and allows the fabric to be naturally soft as well as balancing the pH which will extend the life of the fabrics. The smell of vinegar dissipates upon drying and leaves the laundry smelling fresh. If you wish to add fragrance to the laundry apply 2 or 3 drops of essential oil to a damp washcloth and place in the clothes dryer along with the wet laundry. I prefer lavender for its nice clean smell and disinfecting properties.

To keep your home smelling fresh:

Gel Fragrance in a jar: Make your own gel air freshener with a few simple ingredients. 1 cup water (divided), 1 envelope Knox gelatin, 1/8 tsp rubbing alcohol or vodka, 1/2 tsp essential oil or fragrance oil. Boil 1/2 cup water, then dissolve the Knox gel in it. Add the other half of the water (cold) and stir until blended. Add the alcohol and essential oil and stir until well blended. Pour into jars of your choice. Set out to fragrance a room. Don't place on a very warm spot like the top of the TV or it will liquefy some. If this happens, you can restore it by popping it into the refrigerator for awhile.

If you have silk flower arrangements in the house, then you can "hide" a drop of fragrant oil somewhere in the centers of the silk flowers. This will effectively scent a room for a long time. The same can be done with straw wreaths and dried arrangements. Refresh as necessary. This works especially well in the bathroom and it's worth keeping a small decorative arrangement in there.

Another method is to place a drop or two of essential or fragrance oil on a cotton ball and tuck it in back of the radiator or under the end flaps of a baseboard heater. This needs to be repeated more often.

A really lovely air freshener is to place a few slices of some citrus fruit like lemon, orange or grapefruit into a pot of water on the stove. Simmer gently till you're satisfied with the fragrance. (This is a good use for the leftover rinds after eating).

Yet another method is to combine 1 tsp baking soda, 1 tsp lemon juice (or a few drops of essential oil of orange or lemon) and 2 cups of hot water in a spray bottle then shake and use like any other air freshener.

To eliminate odors in the air (including tobacco odors), set out a bowl of vinegar.

Kick that cold with some mint and ginger tea!

Well, with school back in it's once again time for the colds and flu to run rampid through out our households :( But before hitting the medicine cabinet try some herbal teas, they really do work. The best one I have found is mint & ginger with a bit of lemon and honey. It's simple to make and really tastes great.

Use fresh mint (dried is ok too)
chop up a bit of fresh ginger (has to be fresh!)
steep in boiling water for about 10 minutes.
Strain well.
Pour in your favorite mug and add a bit of lemon and honey to taste.
That's It! Simple, delicious, and works wonders on that nasty cold!
Enjoy and feel great :)

Baking Soda ~~ The Must Have!


1. add a cup to your laundry (along with your detergent) to freshen and brighten your laundry (whites and colors alike)
2. sprinkle on a sponge for spotless and scratch free stainless surfaces and appliances.
3. make a paste to gently scrub wall to remove scuffs and crayon marks.
4. sprinkle on carpets, upholstery, and fabrics to eliminate household odors.
5. put some on a damp sponge to scrub your fruits and veggies, rinse well
6. to polish silverware - make a paste of 3 parts baking soda to 1 part water, rub on with cloth and rinse well.
7. next time you wash your hair, put a quarter size amount with your shampoo, wash and rinse to get rid of product build up.
8. clean hair tools - soak brushes, combs, etc.. in small amount of warm water and 1 teaspoon baking soda. Rinse and dry.
9. polish your BBQ grill grates by putting baking soda on a damp scrub brush, scrub the the grates and rinse
10. freshen drains and unclog minor clogs by pouring baking soda down the drain then pour vinegar down the drain followed by a stopper. Wait a minute or so then rinse well.
11. deodorize funky smelling laundry hampers and garbage cans by sprinkling baking soda in the bottom. Also, if it's not quite time to take out the trash or do the laundry, sprinkle a bit of the soda on top of your laundry or garbage to control the odor until you it's laundry day or your trash is full (no sense in wasting a garbage bag that's half full just cause it's stinky)
12. Bee or wasp sting???? Make a thick paste of baking soda and water and place on the sting and the area around the sting. You will feel almost immediate relief.

**buying tip** with so many uses, purchase your baking soda in bulk at places like SAM'S, BJ's, COSTCO, etc... it's well worth it and will save you so much money in many areas. Plus it really is cheaper than buying it at your local grocery store in those tiny refrigerator boxes.

Welcome to my world!

     This, being my first blog attempt should, if nothing else, prove interesting.
     I decided to start this blog in an attempt to enlighten the world (or at least a few loyal followers )
in the way life once was, and should be again. Well, how I believe it to have been any way, you know, clean, simple, wholesome, and healthy.

Everything I will be posting in this blog will either be of my own creation or things that I have found and researched on-line, in books, or from friends and family, but always, always will I have tested first and will be sure to give credit where credit is due.

     This blog will be filled with herbal remedies, homemade natural cleaners, recipes for everything from cookies, cakes, and breads to chicken, pastas, sauces, and side dishes. Also, craft ideas, and how to's.
With the Holidays coming up (my favorite time of year) I will have plenty of simple and cost effective ways
to decorate your home and have fun doing it.

    Remember, life is much simpler than most people realize. We just need to take a few steps back from the craziness that life has become and get "Back To Basics".

      LIVE * LAUGH * LOVE * CREATE!!!          
                                        Coffey Momma